Monday, 18 February 2008

Redirect your GoDaddy url to Blogger

Well this issue was quite a pain to solve. I wanted to redirect my newly acquired url of to my blogger account and faced a lame problem of only being able to redirect to my blogger account while when I tried to redirect (without the www prefix), I would end up at a godaddy page instead! After days of experimenting, I finally discovered how to solve this problem and will now share it with you. After you have acquired your new GoDaddy url and want it to work with your blogger, first of all head over to your blogger setting and then click on the publishing tab.

Type in the URL of your new website in the Your Domain text box. I typed in my URL as also check the tick box below it which says redirect to This checkbox should've helped to redirect my website to the new URL without any problems ( to, but unfortunately, it did not work. To fix this I had to head over to and log into my account.

After logging in click on myaccount. Under the domain names link, click the manage domains link. On the new page, click on your URL which you want to set up with ur blog.

On the next screen, click on the Total Control and MX Records link.

On the next screen, you can either add a new CName if a WWW host does not already exist. If it doesn't add a new CName and point its host to, otherwise, click the existing www cname and make it point to the link.

After this step, click on Start>Run in your windows and type in cmd and press enter to open up the windows console. Now you have to ping your blog. In this case I typed ping
(That was my old blogspot blogger address). Note down the ip address that shows up. Either you can do that...or you can wait for a couple of days for the DNS of your website to spread over the internet and then ping your new URL instead, in my case it was and note down the IP address. (I said a couple of days because even after you apply these settings in GoDaddy, it will take at least 2 days before you are able to access your blog from your new URL. So, don't panic if you still see the old godaddy page after following these steps and trying out the address immediately afterwards).

Now you have to associate this IP Address with your A Host in your godaddy account. Go to the same manage domains page and your total dns control panel and edit your A Host or @ and make it point to the ip address you noted down by pinging your website URL (or blogspot url).

Again you might have to wait at least 48 hours before you can see the changes take effect. I hope this post helped out everyone who wants to modify their blogger address to their new URLs.


Amin said...

This was very helpful. Just what I needed. Thanks!

Umar said...

I'm glad it helped! =)

David Rodnitzky said...

I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you posted this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

giddy girlie said...

This is EXACTLY what I have been searching for. Why can't anyone at GoDaddy be this concise?

I have one minor problem that I hope you can help me with. I am trying to ping my site as you suggested to get the IP address, but I am getting an error message. Is there another way to get the IP address? Thank you SO MUCH for your help already!!

Umar said...

I sent you an email response detailing the process. =)

Amy said...

thanks!! That was super helpful!

Racheal (Zara) said...

awesome! I'm new to this blogging and i registered my first blog domain name through google... right through blogspot and it worked just fine.. well i wanted to try godaddy cause it was cheaper, but you def need to have a few technical skills to get everything to work.

Thanks man!

Keshav Ram Narla said...

This is great!

When my custom domain was purchased, I was lucky to find a read-me from google blogger Help. That was a great help.

You could update your posts with these links, although they are not as well detailed as your HOW-TO

How do I use a custom domain name on my blog?

How do I create a CNAME record for my custom domain?

The above link has setup details according to your domain service provider, which is in our case.

Admin said...

Thanks dude, big help.

Makell Bird said...

I did exactly as you said in here. When i type in the full address, it pops up fine... But when I type in (no www)... it actually goes to google now! The google search engine!... Is this normal? Is it gonna change in 2 days like you said?

Vengadachalam T said...

this is nice lol useful also.Gidaddy is best Domain name registration site..I got the Domain name site similar as godaddy site it is tucktail..

Admin said...

Hi I did all above process. Its working fine for me.

Please clarify, how google will index my site ?? Like or ??

google search engine will seach my site as or ?? How to verify my domain in google webmaster ??

pls reply

ukj said...

Well it will show your website as and now you have to do tell godaddy to redirect all your traffic from to

Go to your domain in GoDaddy and then to Forwarding and set the necessary options.

Also note that the change will take 24-48 hours, so don't expect immediate changes

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kumara said...

Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. its very helpful.